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Reemployment with FRS After You Retire

bigstock-Discussing-investment-plans---20178077You are considered retired from the Florida Retirement System once you receive a distribution from your FRS Pension Plan or Investment Plan. You are restricted as to when you can go back to work with FRS in a covered position.

If you take a distribution from the FRS Pension Plan, DROP or the Investment Plan, you may not return to work for 6 calendar months after your effective retirement date. If you return to work during the first 6 calendar months, you will VOID your retirement and will be required to pay back any benefits received. If you return to work in the next 6 calendar months (starting in month 7 after effective date of retirement), you will freeze your monthly pension distribution. Once an entire year has passed since your effective retirement date, your monthly distribution will resume and you may return to work while collecting a monthly pension from the Florida Retirement System.

Please keep in mind that if you wish to be reemployed by FRS and have taken pension distributions, your FRS membership will not renew. Effective 7/1/2010, renewed membership after retirement is not allowed and was established to prevent double dipping.

You are allowed to work for a non-FRS employer immediately after retirement if so desired, without negatively affecting your pension benefit.